In fact, he is proud of the fact that they've had sex only 9 times, something that his friends are surprised about since he would usually share not his limited experience in sex, but the supposed surplus of men in his life. But on that particular lunch with his friends, he thanked them for letting him shake of the trauma caused by the sad experience with that young man from the mall.
It was Tuesday.
The next day, he had lunch with Ron. They talked about the last time they had sex. He told him he enjoys being with him. He likes his biceps. He likes sucking his cock. He likes eating his cum. He likes him pumping life into his bottom. He likes licking his nipples. He likes kissing him. He likes rimming him. He likes it when he does his push-ups in front of him.
He was basically in love with the guy.
There was, however, one problem which worries his friend. Every time he meets up with him, he has to pay him a generous amount. His friends think that it's such an unnecessary expense.
'One rule is that you don't fall in love with these kinds of men. They're fucking paid to make you fall in love with them! Make a clear distinction between these two: a great Fuck is sadly just that. Nothing more, nothing less.' This was the warning given by his friend Chit on the night when he introduced Allen to hookerville.
Still, Allen dated Ron, saying that there's no harm in having to pay to have a lot of fun. 'If he is indeed acting, then think of it as me buying some porn. Only this one's unbelievably much, much better.' He said.
Chit called him up to ask if he wanted to go shopping. He figured that spending more time with his friend would make him forget about wasting his money on the man whore. Somehow, he felt responsible for what happened to Allen. He is just so out of it lately. He has been ignoring his friends, ditching work, and declines many offers all because he had to spend more time with muscleman Ron.
He didn't pick up the phone. He realized he must still be mad at him. He gave it a couple of days and told himself that he should talk to Allen after that.
It was a Thursday.
On Friday, Allen was excited to see Ron again. He said he was going to try something new. He was going to bring his two friends as a gift for their 4th month together. When he arrived, he was with two younger boys. One wore a red FUBU cap. He was slim and shorter than Ron. the other has similar body structure as Ron's. He said he spends more time in the gym lately. Later, he found out their names were Jett and Kiko.
After a few rounds of steamy sex, they decided to rest to discuss the price.
'I thought you said this was a gift?'
'Did I?'
'Yeah, I don't have money right now.'
'Then maybe you should get some from the ATM.'
'I'm tired. Can I just give it to you tomorrow?'
'Hell no! My friends can't wait. They've ditched their regulars for you!'
'I didn't ask for this. Come on...'
Ron walked out. He could hear them talking outside the room, probably apologising to his friends for not being able to pay them.
When he came back, he looked really disappointed.
Chit finally decided to pay him a visit. After fifteen unanswered phone calls and several text messages, he decided to end the cold war between him and his good friend. He told himself that this man will not destroy their friendship. He went to his place in Cityland in Makati, with the spare key to his apartment. He asked him to keep it for emergency purposes.
He knocked thrice. No answer. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see blood all over the floor. He looked for Allen and found his dead body drowning in his own blood in the tub. His blood was used to write the word Faggot on his bathroom wall and mirror. He yelled for help but it was too late.
After a careful investigation by the police, they concluded that robbery was the motive because the following items are missing:
15" black Macbook
1 Acer laptop
2 Rolex watches
estimated 30,000 pesos in cash
2ATM cards
6 credit cards
3 pairs of shoes
According to the building's security office, the men were seen in a recorded video leaving the building with several items. They were covering their faces with white towels and 'they looked like they just got out of the shower.'
The case, unfortunately is still open.
Muscleman Ronald is still at large. So are his two friends.
Allen P.
Allen P.